DAP Blog





"My Marketing Assistant" - Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Work for You.

“Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Really Work for You!"

Time and time again I hear, “I know I should be doing something about my marketing, but I just don’t have the time.”

And they’re right of course, marketing is a time consuming process. Far be it, from just sending out a load of special offer emails and tweets, marketing actually, requires a great deal of effort and research.

Working without Walls


Why digital businesses are increasingly choosing to work remotely


In 2015 Microsoft released a white paper entitled, ‘Working without Walls’. It focus was the benefits of working remotely, opposed to working with an office-based environment. Since its release there has been a great deal of debate over this subject with some for and some against its research outcome. So what have we learned?

How to Structure a Marketing Email

How to Structure a Marketing Email - With our Easy-Checklist

Despite many marketers claiming that email marketing is dead – a recent report by Statista.com reported that 66% of online consumers purchased a product or service because of a marketing email they had received. This leads into the question of what happens to the other 44%?

Do they end up in spam folders or get deleted before they’re even opened? The answer: Probably.





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