DAP Blog





3 Essential Stories You Need on Your Website to Attract Customers

Want to have more customers, opt-ins on your website and clicks on your “Buy Now” button? Do what Hollywood does -- use stories to sell your products and services.
This makes sense: At some point, you've probably gone to a meeting featuring a PowerPoint presentation with charts and graphs . . . and wanted to poke your eyes out with a pencil. The reason: Stories, not data, are what inspire people. Stories, not bullet points, create customer loyalty, build social media platforms and increase sales. Stories create an emotional bond between your business and your customers.


24 ‘Ridiculous’ Facts that will make you think again about Social Media

Social media is one of those areas that a lot of businesses forgo in pursuit of other marketing efforts. They either don’t see the relevance or think it’s more of a personal platform for those wishing to speak to their friends. Social media however, is big business. Yes, it can be conversational in nature and tone, but so can marketing. Time and time again we have talked about the importance of relationship selling and nurturing, and what better way to take advantage of this, than by connecting to your potential customers through the medium of Social Media.

"My Marketing Assistant" - Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Work for You.

“Why Outsourcing your Marketing could Really Work for You!"

Time and time again I hear, “I know I should be doing something about my marketing, but I just don’t have the time.”

And they’re right of course, marketing is a time consuming process. Far be it, from just sending out a load of special offer emails and tweets, marketing actually, requires a great deal of effort and research.





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