DAP Blog





Are you getting the most out of your team?

After watching Spanish Grand Prix it got me thinking about how to motivate our team to see a real return from an increased investment in our staff.

Labour represents on average 60% of the total overhead costs in a service industry and in many cases they are an under-utilised resource. They may get the job done but can they be adding more to the business? With margins under considerable pressure and with businesses needed to get the most from all their resources and assets perhaps it is time to question how much more value your team can help deliver.

Google Blog Search

Want to be able to find useful blogs without sifting through thousands of websites? You can with the Google Blog Search

Blogs are extremely useful for those seeking information from a real person whether it be about the latest technology or simply what someone gets up to in their daily life. For me I found that the blog search function on Google helped me search for articles about Graphic Design without having to search for blogs which are scattered across the internet. You can search blogs by clicking on the 'more' tab on Google and selecting 'blogs'.

Great use of Social Media

I came across this little article this week showing how we can use Social Media to join people together. It creates a social media platform for London tube travelers to share experiences on their journey.

The article says "encouraging users to tweet using the hash-tags #lovetravel and #hatetravel with call-to-actions appearing on posters".

Creating your own # tags an engaging with people and having a call to action, what a great idea.

Full article link here Great Use of Social Media





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