DAP Blog





Alternative Christmas Market

You’ve probably heard by now that the Lincoln Christmas Market has been cancelled this year due to snow – a shame for all of us who love the festive spirit.  The Healthy Hub, based at Beaumont Fee, had booked a stall for the Christmas Market and has decided to organise an Alternative Christmas Market for other stall holders who are already in Lincoln yet have no market to go to.  In one day they’ve pulled together between 30 and 40 stalls selling all manner of Christmas things.

Business in Lincoln understand the benefit of networking to improve profits

Develop and Promote actively support referral networking. We currently hold the education co-ordinator role in the Tennyson Chapter and the Web Development slot. Below is a news article of a recent prize the group won.

Networking has long been the way most business has been conducted, but in recent years it has begun to move off the golf course and into the breakfast room.  So big has the popularity of breakfast networking become BNI Tennyson chapter, which meets every Friday 6:45 am at Yots Restaurant in Lincoln has increased its membership by 20% in just 6 short weeks, and continues to grow week on week.

Tips on Choosing a Domain Name Registrar and Hosting Provider

Some quick definitions ...

A Domain Registrar is a company that enables you to register (pay for and own) a domain name such as www.DevelopAndPromote.co.uk.

A Hosting Provider (or company) gives you space on the internet where you can put your website pages (images, text, etc). They backup your content as well as maintain the computers and all the technical stuff related to keeping your website live.

You need both to have a website.

My keys for choosing a domain name registrar:





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The Bridge for Heroes


