DAP Blog





Why should customers buy from you?

If you want your business to work you must have a reason why customers should buy from you.

Customers don’t come automatically with a business, if they did everyone would be self employed. So you must find a way to show your customers you are the person to do business with and not your competitors.

You need to show your customers you understand them and their needs for your products or service that you specialise in. If you can master this, customers will tell people about your businesses’ so you will become well known and trusted for your service.

The key to a successful business

When it comes to making a successful business, you constantly have to face new challenges each and every day. Every time you solve one issue, a hundred more appear in its place. So whether you're trying to improve your position in the market or stay ahead of your competitors you must always remember 1 simple thing.

You can't do today's job with yesterday's methods and expect to be in business tomorrow.

Take your business back in time with Facebook – the business benefits of timeline.

Once again Facebook have changed the way user profiles look.The timeline feature on Facebook has now become mandatory, but how can your business page benefit from timeline?

The new timeline feature allows more room for advertisement; you can use your cover photo to promote products and services while attracting customers to get in contact with you or to go to your website. As it’s the first thing that your users will notice when they go onto your profile page you should use this space wisely!





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The Bridge for Heroes


