DAP Blog





What Is Search Engine Optimization/SEO


(SEO) Search Engine Optimization is a process of choosing the most appropriate targeted keyword phrases related to your site and ensuring that this ranks your site highly in search engines. By doing so when someone searches for specific phrases your website will rank on the top pages of google.

It basically involves fine tuning the content of your site along with the HTML and Meta tags and also involves appropriate link building process.

The most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Search engines keep their methods and ranking algorithms secret, to get credit for finding the most valuable search-results and to deter spam pages from clogging those results.

A search engine may use hundreds of factors while ranking the listings where the factors themselves and the weight each carries may change continually. Algorithms can differ so widely that a webpage that ranks #1 in a particular search engine could rank #200 in another search engine. New sites need not be “submitted” to search engines to be listed. A simple link from a well established site will get the search engines to visit the new site and begin to spider its contents. It can take a few days to even weeks from the referring of a link from such an established site for all the main search engine spiders to commence visiting and indexing the new site.

Quick Easy Quote

It really does what it says.

It’s such a simple piece of software for an accountant and so easy to use. By using this software you are able to give your clients a fixed quotation within minutes , the software is even able to give you a breakdown of the bill so you are able to show your client exactly what they are being charged for and how much. You can edit, add and change variables and pricing on it to suit your business’s and customers needs in seconds. All quotes are able to be saved and edited as much as you like. Once you have finished putting together a quotation for your client simply print of the quote which includes the bill and price breakdown.

Evernote- the time saving list writer

I love lists but unfortunately I create far too many to-do lists. One time saving feature I found for organising these is with a program called Evernote.

I spent ages trying to find a to-do list that would work for me, post it notes stuck to my monitor and writing on the back of my hand only got me so far. I wanted for more sophistication in technology. I wanted something that synced with all my devices. I wanted something that allowed me to search through my notes, and manage multiple lists, each one for a different project.

Evernote was the answer.





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